Summer Reading Self-Care
Whether you are a young adult or childrens Librarian, the director of a small library, a clerk at the front desk, or even a regular library patron in the summer, you know the chaos of Summer Reading!
Summer Reading has always been both my favorite and least favorite part of the library year. Favorite because of the increased energy, themed programs, higher attendance, etc. Least favorite because I am an all or nothing type of person and so with my focus completely on summer programming, my physical and mental self-care often became nearly non-existent!
Enter, Summer Reading Self-Care BINGO! If the patrons get to complete a log, play a game, set a goal….why can’t you too?!
Will this bingo sheet solve all of your summer reading problems?
Will this bingo sheet miraculously make you well rested, glowing, and endlessly patient with every patron?
Also, No.
But will it give you a fun focus throughout the summer to attempt to give yourself a break, take care of your mental and physical health, and come out of summer reading a little happier and a little less frazzled?
Fill in the form below to get your printable Summer Reading Self-Care Bingo PDF emailed to your inbox.
And have a great summer!